The story begins with Kanakachala Bhat, his wife and his young son Thimmanna Bhat walking towards Kumbakonam from Vijayanagar. The Vijayanagar Dynasty was ravaged by war and on the brink of disastrous loss when Kanakachala Bhat (KB), who was the then a (Veena musician) servant in the Vijayanagar King’s Palace, found it prudent to escape the kingdom for safety. After a long tiring walk to Kumbakonam, they enter the Mutt where Senior Pontiff Surendra Theertha and Junior Pontiff Vijayendra Theertha reside.
Upon seeing the fatigue-laden threesome, the Pontiffs ask them to take shelter in the Mutt and become a part of the already-crowded-population-in-the-Mutt, much to the chagrin of the already-residents. While the threesome prepare for shelter with the help of an aide called Narayana (aka Naani) who is slightly older than Thimmanna Bhat, the rest of the people in the Mutt despise this new family as they are not willing to accommodate more people in the already-small Mutt. But with no other option available, the threesome make way and adjust in the surroundings amidst hostile glances from everyone.
Aug 26, 2010
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