Jul 16, 2007

Chapter 16: Prahallada with S&A

Soon the time comes to bid adieu to Kayadu. HK’s chieftain awaits for Kayadu at Narada’s. Prahallada invites Narada too, but he refuses. Narada says, the best place for a woman is at her husband’s place. Also, those living in hermitages wont find peace in a palace. The palace might have everything but hermitage has peace, which even people living in palaces crave for. And anyways, if Prahallad misses Narada, he (P) can use his (N) teachings in his (P) life and he (N) will be close to him (P)! P says that he will never forget N or N's teachings. N is only sad that he doesnt have anything to give to Kayadu upon her departure since he is an ascetic. Kayadu says her hands arent empty, it is filled with N's love.

Narada advises Prahallada about challenges in life and how he can face them if he has the confidence and Him with him. He tells P not to waver in faith. Smilingly bear all the problems. He will win in such cases. Prahallada agrees to follow as such.

Prahallada and mom enter HK’s palace. HK greets them suitably. He is much inspired by his son and his feelings for Father, Mother and Teacher. Throughout the night, as Prahallada sleeps, HK looks at him and fondles him. He thanks Kayadu for providing a son to him so that the Asura Loka could go on.

HK calls upon Shukracharya for providing education to Prahallada. Shukracharya is heading for tapas in Himalayas. So he has brought his sons Shand and Amarkh who will be tutors to Prahallada. Prahallada says he has learnt things in Devlok’s Narada. But Shukracharya says this education is different. It is about asura-shaasana (devil-based). So Prahallada agrees.

Shand and Amarkh take Prahallada to their ashram, where Prahallada is greeted with flowers, for he is the son of HK. So Prahallada says ‘Stop’ and that he is just like all disciples in the ashram and no distinction to be made at him. Co-pupils puzzled.

Before starting off, pray God, says Shand-Amarkh. So they go to the HK’s idol. Prahallada is shocked. He says that’s not God, that’s his pop. Your pop’s the God, says S&A. Prahallada refuses to believe this. He says God is someone who is there everywhere, in one’s mind, in non-living things, etc. But HK is just in the palace and so he is not the God. He can pray to HK as a father but not as a God. S&A tell Prahallada about the punishment of ashram if student disobeys.

Prahallada asks about the punishment. 5 thrashings. So Prahallada takes the stick and beats himself 5 times. Bloodlines come upon his palm.

Lakshmi is all distressed. Vishnu interprets this as 5 significant axioms to seek knowledge/education (control/restraint, endurance, following Guru's orders, not considering himself above his disciples even though he is a prince, making friends with his co-pupils). S&A repents the incident. They tell Prahallada to take rest so that they can start off from tomorrow.

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