Jul 22, 2007

Chapter 17: Prahallada and other disciples

The other disciples are puzzled by the strangeness in Prahallada. So they converse amongst themselves about who the actual God is. Prahallada says its Vishnu. All say HK.

So, a small experiment is carried out. Prahallada cuts a small plant into half & gives the broken stem to one of the disciples and tells him to ask his God (HK) to place the stem back onto the plant. So the pupil places the stem in front of HK idol and prays HK to do so. Nothing happens.

Then Prahallada prays Vishnu. ‘Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya Namaha.’ Vishnu hears it. Lakshmi asks him to help Prahallada. Vishnu does so. The broken stem magically gets itself planted on the plant. Other disciples are stunned. They change their opinion and accept that their God is indeed not HK, but Vishnu. So they all chant with Prahallada ‘Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya Namaha.’

Vishnu and Lakshmi are pleased that Prahallada has changed his fellow compatriots as well. Vishnu tells that he had to abide to P's ask since a lot depended on it. P's extreme faith in V made V do it. If V had not abide(d), then P's faith in V would have been broken. Those who lovingly ask V something, how can V turn them down? Also, how cannot Vishnu help when Lakshmi asks of him to abide?! Wink, wink!

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