Aug 18, 2007

Chapter 71: Dasharath dies

KK’s good self and soul fights against her bad self and soul telling her all the bad things she had done. The bad self tells good self that she only did for her son B. The good self asks her what if B himself scolds her, for she had immense love to Rama. Thinking this, she has great fear when Manthara comes and allays her fear. She has got Yuvraj’s crown with her. KK says how she got it, as it is supposed to be sacred. M says she now has all the powers as her B gonna become Yuvraj. This lightens KK’s mood.

Parvati asks Shiva if this is the final day for D, the king who won over 10 devils which gave him the name. Shiva says yes, this is Fate. Even Vishnu took birth in such a house whose father had such success. The guy who had such a huge success had to undergo some amount of pain and this is what happened. The shaap finally has come true for D. If there was no shaap, then life would have taken a different route and still D would have suffered. It is all Fates.

Mahamanthri comes to palace. Doc orders him not to tell D as it might kill him. MM says he is Mahamanthri. His job is to inform the king and he should not delay it, irrespective of consequences. He goes forth and tells D that Rama did not return to Ayodhya. D tells him that perhaps MM did not convince Rama sufficiently. D asks what did Rama say. Mantri says Rama said - Fulfilling the vow given by D to KK is more important to Rama than anything else.

D cries for Rama. Rama, in forest, hears in his soul his father’s cry, He pours Ganga water from his bowl to earth as if he is feeding his pop. D in his palace is fed Ganga water by Rajguru, foreseeing the nearness of D’s death. The Ganga water from Rama synchronous to be Ganga water to D. D very happy, thinking water is from Rama. D looks at breathes his last. All start crying.

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